Friday, February 20, 2009

Dallas Tech Center Expands into Auto Manufacturing

The first car from DTC's new auto manufacturing division, DalTech Motors, rolled off the assembly line today making DTC eligible for federal bailout dollars targeted for the auto industry.
DalTech Motors' first model is called the GeekMobile (see picture). It comes with a 62.53 hp multi-fuel engine, reaches a top speed of 54.25713141516 miles per hour. Among other sources, the engine can be fueled by regular gas, diesel, nuclear waste, garbage chunks, skittles, pocket protectors and methane emittances from animal or human donors.
Some anonymous officials within DTC say that some of the bailout dollars will be redirected into the Gladiator Football operation to fund R&D for draft analysis and simulation software development along with pallet-sized purchases of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and energy drinks.

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